5 Reasons Not to Use Open Source Platforms

Here are some of the circumstances when old-fashioned proprietary platforms are a better business choice than open source platforms.
1. Proprietary Software Offers Better Support
Business-class support is sometimes available for open source platforms, either from the company leading the project or a separate third-party. This isn't the case often, though — and that can be a problem, according to Tony Wasserman, professor of software management practice at Carnegie Mellon University.
"Some customers prefer to have someone outside the company to call for product support on a 24/7 basis and are willing to pay for a service level agreement that will provide a timely response," he says. "People often respond very quickly to queries posted on the forum pages of widely-used open source projects, but that's not the same thing as a guaranteed vendor response in response to a toll-free telephone call."
2. You Want Website as a Business
For Business you need a well shape technical partner, without these partner your business will go forward. Online business need to be updated all the time. open source platform has a biunderies will not allow you to go behind it. Which mean you need to compermise between these bounderies and competitive advantage. in general a a proprietary platforms has better chance to survive than open source platforms.
3. Proprietary Platforms Works Better With Your Hardware Resouce
As the open source platform built for everything, you will find some unsed processes waste your hardware resource for nothing. As you are adding more products and have more visitors for your project you will feel some slowness and weakness servers response which will cost your more to add more resources, "Open source developers may not be able to 'see' the hardware, so the proprietary driver may well work better," Mattman says.
4. Warranties and Liability Indemnity Matter
Open Source platforms require updates everytime. Even though sometimes the latest version comes with bugs or security halls you have to wait until the community fix these bugs. May this action put your project in a very high risk position which may loose data, clients or both. your client information maybe compreised. Nobody said the Proprietary platfoms will not be hacked. however it is harder to be attacked becuase the sourcecode is not open, and usually the hackers are looking for open source platforms becuase it is easier for them to attack too many websites in one go.
5. When You Need a Vendor That Will Stick Around
Yes, there's no guarantee that a commercial platfoms vendor will stick with a product if demand drops to such an extent that it's no longer profitable to develop it. The company itself may even go out of business. But if an open source project is small, there's also a danger that the person behind it may lose interest. If that happens, it may not be easy to find another open source developer to step in.